Geopacks Environmental Policy
All Jigsaw Puzzles Environmental Policy
Geopacks is a subsidiary of All Jigsaw Puzzles.
At All Jigsaw Puzzles we recognise that our products and business operations have an influence on the environment and we endeavour to take practical steps to minimise any negative impact.
As a responsible company, we will strive to comply with all environmental, legal and other requirements that apply to our activities, products and services. We will ensure the availability of the necessary resources to implement, maintain and develop environmental management in order to deliver continuous improvement in our environmental performance.
To ensure this we will:
- Manage our operations and activities to comply with applicable environmental laws, regulations, licences and other commitments to which the company subscribes.
- Maintain and regularly monitor a database of all of the materials we use in relation to their environmental merits.
- Ensure that wherever possible the paper that we use in the production of our maps and jigsaws is FSC certified and that our map printers use only natural soy-based inks and Totally Chlorine Free (TCF) paper sourced from FSC & PEFC sources.
- Minimise the need for travel by using VoIP conference calls wherever possible in place of travelling to meetings.
- Operate the company’s London operation in a modern office building where energy and water use is kept to a minimum
- Utilise power saving modules on all PCs and other equipment where appropriate.
- Require key suppliers to demonstrate their respect for the environment by following responsible working practices. They will be required to utilise raw materials from well-managed sources and to verify their claims on environmental issues when requested.
- Recycle all of our waste paper, cardboard & plastic.
- Dispose of all our IT equipment responsibly via local recycling schemes.
- Identify, reduce and dispose of all other waste arising from our operations in a manner that minimises harm to the environment and prevents pollution of land, air and water.
- Apply the principles of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control, taking into account any environmental impacts when making new investments or disposing of old assets.
- Reduce the consumption of fuel, energy and water and use renewable and/or recyclable resources wherever practicable.
- Provide information, instruction and training for employees on relevant environmental issues.
The Directors of All Jigsaw Puzzles Limited take responsibility for the maintenance and revision of this policy, which will be reviewed on a regular 6 monthly basis, in order to set and review environmental objectives and targets for continuous improvement.
The successful implementation of this policy depends on the commitment and involvement of employees at all levels of the business. Their suggestions and participation are encouraged and will contribute to the success of this policy.
Andrew Chisholm
Operations Director
February 2017